Hernando County Property Appraiser
Central Addressing


Common suffixes currently approved for use in Hernando County are found in the US Postal Addressing Standards, Publication 28, November 2000 edition, Appendix C. All roadway naming and addressing shall follow the Postal Addressing Standards.

All new roadways and roadway names are required to include a Roadway Suffix. The purpose of the Suffix is to help further identify a roadway and to suggest the type of roadway in question. This is crucial in large governed areas with numerous streets. The roadway name and suffix combined shall not exceed fifteen (15) characters in length, including spaces.

Common Suffixes

Highway (HWY) – A main road, any of a system of expressways connecting most major U.S. cities – also called interstate highway

Street (ST) – A public traffic-carrying way set aside for vehicular traffic, regardless of size or designation. Default suffix for a roadway that is completely or primarily within an incorporated city

Road (RD) – A private traffic-carrying way set aside for vehicular traffic primarily serving only one premises or planned development project including private driveways, entrance or exit roads and similar private access roads. Default suffix for a roadway that is completely or primarily outside of an incorporated city

Avenue (AVE) - City, county, or privately maintained roadway that is continuous and not limited to a single subdivision

Boulevard (BLVD) - City, county, or privately maintained roadway with a landscaped median dividing the roadway lanes

Drive (DR) - City, county, or privately maintained roadway that is generally contained within a single subdivision or geographic feature

Parkway (PKWY) - A state or federally maintained limited-access roadway

Circle (CIR), Loop (LOOP) - Minor roadway within a subdivision, both of whose ends terminate on the same roadway

Court (CT), Place (PL), Terrace (TER), Trail (TRL), Pass (PASS), Path (PATH) - Permanently dead-end roadway that terminates with or without a cul-de-sac

Cove (CV) - Permanently dead-end roadway that terminates with or without a cul-de-sac and is adjacent to or terminates at a body of water

Lane (LN) - Minor street within a subdivision that connects or passes through two or more roadways

Way (WAY) - A curvilinear street

Mountain (MTN) – A roadway area higher than hills

Run (RUN) – A street going in a certain or continuous direction

Prefixes (If applicable)

North (N)

South (S)

East (E)

West (W)


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201 Howell Avenue, Suite 300, Brooksville, Fl 34601-2042
Phone (352) 754-4190
Fax (352) 754-4198

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