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Hernando County Property Appraiser




Our office will accept exemption applications for the 2025 Tax Year until March 1, 2025 . Applications submitted from March 2, 2024 through March 1, 2025 will be for the 2025 Tax Year.

We offer 3 easy ways to file for the exemption:   apply in person, apply by mail or online.

A Constitutional benefit of up to $50,000, available to bona fide Florida residents who live in, and claim a residence as their permanent and primary home on January 1, and file an application with the Property Appraiser's Office prior to March 1. It exempts the first $25,000 and applies to the Assessed Value of all taxing levies. The second $25,000 applies to the Assessed Value beginning at $50,000 up to $75,000, of all taxing levies with the exception of the School District.

The exemption amount is incremental, depending on the Assessed Value of the property.
  • If your Homestead property has an Assessed Value of up to $50,000, you will keep the current exemption of $25,000.
  • If your Homestead property has an Assessed Value of $50,001 through $74,999, the additional homestead exemption will increase up to $24,999.
  • If your Homestead property has an Assessed Value of $75,000 or more, you will receive the full additional $25,000 Homestead Exemption.
The additional exemption applies to all taxing levies with the exception of the School District.

  HOME #1 HOME #2 HOME #3
Assessed value $45,000 $55,000 $75,000
Minus current exemption -25,000 -25,000 -25,000
Minus additional exemption 0 -5,000 -25,000
Equals taxable value $20,000 $25,000 $25,000


© Copyright 2023 Hernando County Property Appraiser's Office

201 Howell Avenue, Suite 300, Brooksville, Fl 34601-2042
Phone (352) 754-4190
Fax (352) 754-4198

© 2024 Hernando County Property Appraisers Site Designed & Maintained by Hernando County Central GIS Department. GIS Maintained.